Thursday, August 2, 2007

#23 Not the end of my learning journey.....

Hola or perhaps now it's time for hello, :)

Overall, I have really enjoyed the program. Particular highlights for me were
Wufoo, Library Thing, Wikis and Blogging.

I realised initially I really had to overcome my barriers to learning and just get in there and have a play, make mistakes, forget user names and feel like I'm not really achieving much. When I let go of a few hurdles and moved onto other 'things' I reclaimed my momentum and enjoyed what I was learning even more.

I have a long way to go and need to play much more but at least now I feel like I'm not being left behind when conversation turns to wikis, etc.

Improvements such as full access at our desktop would have assisted in devoting smaller chunks to complete the program rather than the longer amount of time spent in the library with blocked sites, continuing problems with podcasts and caching.

I'm pleased I was able to work through the 'tough' ones and complete the program. Yay

Muchas gracias for the opportunity


#22 Audiobooks and Netlibrary


This technology is certainly useful for libraries and really is just an extension to the existing collection. I did wonder about use? How often can the audio book be downloaded? It is really an owned part of the collection or do you subscribe or license various titles for a period?

Anyway, since I have had ongoing troubles with audio, it didn't get as much out of this 'thing' as I have others in the program.


#21 Podcasting


Given my frustrations earlier with Bloglines and RSS feeds I was not an interested in exploring this too much. Perhaps it's something I'll come back to.

I certainly think podcasting as a technology certainly has applications in libraries, uses such as online tutorials and presentations come to mind. I found the Podcasting Directory websites useful too.

The FAQ on the Yahoo podcasting site did answer some of my basic questions.

Ciao for now

Thing #20 YouTube


There are so many cute cats out there like myself and it was easy to get distracted.

I'm not sure if this technology has useful application in libraries, perhaps in the instuctional sense (but there are better tools out there).

Here is a movie of a silly kitten - cute though.

Thing #19 Web 2.0 Awards playtime


Well, I had HEAPS of fun with this one. I tried Wufu, a fantastic tool that enables you to create and publish online forms.

I created an online form and attached it to my blog. Please tell me what I should have for dinner.

On a more serious note, this technology has great application in libraries in terms of creating quick easy to design/use online surveys. A great way to obtain information from our users about what they want and need.



#18 Zoho Writer and GoogleDocs

Hola gatos,

I like this idea about sharing files and documents, it certainly has uses - particularly for staff that may need to access content outside of the office (security issues aside).

I had no luck on Zoho Writer (a few too many technology related limitations) but with GoogleDocs it was pretty easy.

Check out my published story A novella of the Mexican Cat Carlos.

Lovin' it!


#17 Playing around with PBWiki


I'm not too sure how useful this is, probably just for fun. I managed to list my blog on plcmclearning.pb.wki as a Favourite blog and added my comments to a couple of others.

I feel like I'm slowing achieving something, time for a catnap.
